Updated How to Rent Guide published




The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) has published the updated How to Rent Guide – The Checklist for Renting in England today, 2 October 2023. The new guide must be issued by both letting agents and landlords to new tenants or those renewing.


The new version includes two minor amendments on pages 15 and 17 about the Housing Loss Prevention Advice Service (HLPAS) which launched in August 2023, explaining the service and signposting individuals to where they can find more information.


Prescribed information


It is vital that landlords issue the correct and current version of the How to Rent Guide as a failure to do so can invalidate a Section 21 notice used to regain possession.  The guide must be issued  as a printed copy, or if the tenant agrees, via email as a PDF attachment.  


Note: If you have issued a copy of the How to Rent Guide before the updated version became available it would be best practice to reissue the updated guide. Remember to record any communication relating to which version has been issued and when.  

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